Lavaroots Performing Arts

The mission of Lavaroots Performing Arts is to explore and express authentic self and relationship to others through dance, music, culture, and education.

Michál Anna Carrillo is back on the Big Island from 3 months in Guinea with the Kissidugu Foundation.  Join her for classes this spring! Find out more about Kissidugu below.


Summer Arts registration is OPEN!  Learn more about the program HERE.

Registration is now open for CAMP MERVEILLES HAWAII!
NOVEMBER    2-6, 2018
Register and get detailed camp information at:


Lavaroots and Kissidugu Foundation collaborate to create opportunity for sharing the dance and music of both Hawaii and Guinea.  Our annual Merveilles Hawaii Drum and Dance Conference is building a bridge between Guinea and Hawaii and is honoring, sharing and dedicated to perpetuating cultural arts. Find out more about our annual conference HERE.


The GUINEA PROJECT DEAR TO LAVAROOTS: The Kissidugu School of Music, Dance and Education  (go to Kissidugu website HERE)

The Kissidugu Foundation is a 501©3 non-profit organization.  Lavaroots is in collaboration with Gabriel Fara Tolno   founder/President/Executive Director of Kissidugu Foundation creating the Merveilles Hawaii Conference, now in it’s 4th year and as well as other Lavaroots Dance Company works.  Michal Anna Carrillo of Lavaroots, is the Vice President/Development Director of The Kissidugu Foundation and she goes to Guinea yearly to engage in the project, study and be of service. In January 2016, Kissidugu Foundation was able to distribute 60 solar lights, 30 clean water filters, loads of medicine, build a chicken coop from recycled materials, help and feed folks daily, plant a garden and finish the construction of the first three structures; Health building, temporary student housing and the community center area.  In January of 2017, 60 solar lights, 50 solar flashlights, 130 girls dresses, 40 pairs of New Balance and Teva shoes, 35 water filters, 20 water filter straws and $5,000 in medicine were distributed. This year also saw the erecting of the Resident Teacher/International Student Housing units, currently the interiors are being finished. The Kissidugu Foundation is currently fundraising for PHASE TWO of the long term Kissidugu School of Dance, Music and Education vision as well as for more water filters, solar lights, medicine & more. If you are interested in learning more about the project and/or see a full length proposal, please email Michal Anna Carrillo at  You can also read more in depth on our website below.

MAHALO/ THANK YOU/INUWAULI           Visit the Kissidugu Foundation at


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Kissidugu Collage 2014


 The Lavaroots Dance Company at SYMBIOTICA performance at our Blue Dragon Fundraiser in June 2016.  From left to right: Jeannie-vie Woods, Debra McGee, Adrienne Vanberg, Michál Anna Carrillo, Alison Caputo, Michelle Ayau, Leslie Nugent and Madeline Sofranc.
